Is It Safe for Children to Receive Dental Implants?

Is It Safe for Children to Receive Dental Implants?

As a result of the advanced technology and long-lasting results that dental implants provide, this treatment is extremely popular for replacing missing or damaged teeth. People around you may have told you about the effectiveness of this solution.

Wouldn't it be awful if your worst nightmare came true? Suppose your child becomes injured in a playground or sporting accident and chips a tooth or loses several teeth. Is it possible for them to receive dental implants? In our previous blog, we explained the appropriate age to get dental implants in Redwood City. However, by reading on, you get to know your options from our expert dentist.

Can My Child Safely Receive Dental Implants? The Answer is No:

It is safe and effective to place dental implants in adults but not for children or adolescents. The oral structures of children and adolescents begin to develop as they grow. Replacing baby teeth with adult teeth occurs for all children during a transitional phase. The facial structure of adolescents also undergoes rapid change and development.

Both of these processes are natural and may take several years to complete. The changes in your child's oral development make dental implants unsuitable for tooth replacement in children and adolescents.

How Old Must Your Child Be to Receive Dental Implants?

Early implant placement can cause stunting of surrounding teeth and improper jawbone growth. This could result in severe issues down the line. Furthermore, implant placement is an invasive open-wound surgery, which can be difficult for young children.

According to dentists, the minimum age for successful dental implants is as follows:

  • Girls must be at least 15 years old
  • Boys must be at least 18 years old

There is a different recommended age for each gender because girls' bone growth is usually completed before that of boys. The jaw has likely achieved full growth or reached a point where implants will not adversely affect future growth. You should consult the experts in pediatric dentistry in Redwood City to determine whether it is time for your child to undergo dental implant treatment.

What Alternate Options Do You Have?

You can offer your child alternative treatment options while they await a dental implant a few years hence, rather than leaving them with a gap in their smile. Among these options are:

  • Removable partial denture
  • Bridges
  • Braces
  • Space maintainers

Visit Our Pediatric Dentistry in Redwood City for Best Options:

Do you have a child or teenager who needs dental restoration? Dr. Thuan-Vu Ho is a known name to assist you if you are looking for a dentist near you in Redwood City. Even if the patient is not old enough to receive a dental implant, this office would still be able to help. For a stunning smile, contact us today!

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